A gemstone, which in fact is a part or piece of mineral crystal, has several other names such as ‘Fine Gem,’ ‘Jewel,’ ‘Precious (or Semi-precious) Stone,’ etc. The jewelry-making industry worldwide relies on a method known as ‘Identifying Gemstones’ and for the purpose, they are divided into three main categories which are ‘Natural,’ ‘Synthetic’, and ‘Imitation.’

Imitation Gemstones

It is quite natural and almost impossible for us to find and consult a ‘gemologist’ every time we plan to buy a piece of jewelry therefore, seeking some knowledge on the subject would be certainly a better option; to help with our shopping. And why this little but valuable knowledge is essential because while shopping for Natural Gemstones, following questions do popup our minds:

The price is reasonable?

What’s the surety of the quality?

Do we really know the best feature?

Is the seller really trustworthy?

Hopefully, we have point here that the better you understand how gemstones are created, the better position you would find yourself in; for a more ‘confident shopping’ experience. Besides if you are a jewelry-maker yourself, it would also be a lot easier for you to explain to your customers exactly what components you’ve used in your jewelry. So here we go.

Natural Gemstones:

Natural Gemstones Amethyst
The source behind what we call or know as Natural Gems, is actually nature itself, the purest of sources. There is no ‘human aid’ involved in the creation of such stones rather they are created, naturally, over a certain period of time. They are usually found along riverbeds or locations such as lining rocky cliffs etc. but not on the surface; one would always have to struggle to dig the earth quite deep, to find a piece or two.

When processed i.e. cut in various shapes and designs and polished, these stones get an entirely different, pleasant, charming, and of course precious look.

Synthetic Gemstones:

Created in any manmade facility such as a laboratory or a factory, synthetic gems possess numerous physical properties or characteristics that make them different from all their counterparts such as the visual or chemical/physical properties, etc. However, they’re not natural gems though all the natural conditions or elements are applied while creating a synthetic version/replica; nature takes several years to produce a masterpiece; the scientists can prepare one in few days!

Synthetic Gemstones

Imitation Gemstones:

Among the last but the least categories come the Imitation Gems, kind of a ‘simulated’ or ‘replicated’ form of stones in fact, with no chemical properties similar to natural precious stones. Created with the purpose to resemble natural ones, imitation makers use ceramic, plastic, or glass while some other materials are also used in imitations.

Imitation Gemstones

After having come to know that the Natural Gemstones, by all means, are ‘most in-demand’ it must be relatively easier for our readers to think more like a gemologist now, whenever there comes an opportunity of shopping for gemstones or any other type of jewelry.

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