Jewelry Crystals and Crafts Insider

Jewelry Crystals and Crafts Insider


by Samina Gulzar on May 07 2024
NATURAL GEMSTONES IN PAKISTAN Pakistan is having the largest gemstones and minerals reserves in the world it is said the 2nd largest after Brazil. Pakistan's popular areas are Baluchistan Province, in north sides, there are Skardu, Gilgit, Baltistan, Hunza, and Sawat Valleys which have the following types of gemstones and minerals. ---Precious and base metals ---Precious and semi-precious gemstones, ---Industrial minerals ---Placer deposits for recovery of gold & other precious metals from the alluvial deposits. The beauty of Hunza, Gilgit, and Skardu captures one’s mind immediately. One cannot help staying and enjoying there for a long time if ever visit these areas. Nature has blessed this region with not only the stunning beauty of mountains, greenery, flowers, fruits, innocent people but also with many precious and semi-precious gemstones. The quality of these stones is recognized at the international level. The gemstones, rocks, crystals found in this area are very nice, clear, having good color and variety. The popular gemstones are here with it. Ruby Emerald Sapphire Spinal Aquamarine Topaz Epidote Moonstone Zircon Pargasite Garnet Amethyst Morganite Tourmaline Quartz Pyrite Malachite azurite The region is divided into different way geologically:- Presence of Various types of sedimentary, igneous, volcanic and different grades of metamorphosed rocks. All these rocks range in age from pre-Cambrian to recent. Occurrence of 2 major tectonic thrusts. Typical rocks of the mélange zone. Rocks of the Island arc sequence. Variety of alteration zones. The division of gemstones in region wise:- Mining Areas The few potential/major gemstone mining areas in Pakistan are: (only major gemstones yielded are mentioned) Northwest Frontier Province --Emerald, Quartz, Epidot Sawat (Malakand Division) --Corundum and quartz Dir (Malakand division) --Corundum / Smoky Quartz Mansehra (Hazara Division) --Peridot Kohistan (Hazara Division) --Quartz with Astophyllite / reibeckite fiber inclusions, xenotime and Bastnaesite Peshawar District (Frontier Province) Federally Administered Tribal Areas ---Emerald, Clinozoisite, Sphene, Epidot Mohmand Agency ---Emerald, garnet, and orange-colour scapolite Bajaur Agency ---Quartz with astrophyllite/reibeckite fibers inclusions, xenotime, and bastnaesite Khyber Agency ---Faden quartz, diamond quartz, phantom quartz, chlorite-included quartz, and window quartz North and South Waziristan Agencies Northern Areas ---Alluvial diopside, zircon, rutile quartz, aquamarine, and tourmaline Chilas (Diamer district) ---Aquamarine, topaz (golden and white), emerald (new find), ruby, pollucite, rutile quartz, morganite, apatite, spinel, and pargasite Gilgi , Hunza, and Shigar (Gilgit district) ---Aquamarine, topaz, tourmaline, apatite, sphene, morganite, and quartz Shengus, Stak Nala, and Tormiq Nala (Baltistan Skardu Road, Baltistan district) ---Apatite, zoisite, rutile quartz, epidote, and morganite Shigar Proper (near Skardu, Baltistan district) ---Aquamarine, emerald-colour tourmaline, apatite, morganite, topaz, and quartz Childee, Kashmal, and Yuno (Shigar area, near Skardu, Baltistan district) --- aquamarine, tourmaline, morganite, rare earth minerals, apatite, quartz, and new find emerald Hyderabad, Testun, Dassu, Net Tahirabad, and Goyungo (Shigar area, Baltistan district) Topaz (best golden colour here), ---Tourmaline, aquamarine, garnets,diopside, ruby, pargasite, emerald, topaz, amethyst, scheelite, and quartz Appu Aligund, Fuljo, Braldu, Bashu, and Karma (Baltistan district) --- Aquamarine, amethyst, and fine golden rutile quartz Khappalu and near Siachin area (Gaanshai area, Baltistan district) Highest Peaks in this Region Baluchistan Province ---Brookite, anatase, and quartz Kharan district ---Diamond quartz, window quartz, quartz on prehnite-base, and faden quartz included by chlorite Chaman (near Quetta) These areas are still under development and need the government’s’ attention, foreign or local investors’ attention. The miners risk their life by climbing on the peaks and much even lost their lives. Ill-equipped and oblivious of the mining techniques, these people used explosives to initiate diggings and blasting and distributing the costs that may incur during the mining period. The world's highest peaks exist in this region such as the famous world 2nd largest K-2, Killer Mountain Nanga Parbat. Three different mountain ranges meet together in this region i.e. Hindukush, Qaraqarm, Himalayans. The earth changes in this region happened around 50-million years ago. In the geological changes, these huge mountain ranges appeared. The movement of tectonic plates caused huge pressure (1000s tons) which formed rocks, minerals and gems and converted them in gemstones, minerals, or rare compounds. The reason for gemstones in these geological changes. That is why these regions are rich in precious/semi-precious gemstones, rocks, minerals. References:

Jewelry Crystals and Crafts Insider


by Samina Gulzar on May 07 2024
CRYSTAL FOR HEALING They are known for their miracle healing power both emotionally and physically. How it works The modern healing concept is borrowed by Asian cultures, notably the Chinese concept of life-energy (chi or qi) and the Hindu or Buddhist concept of chakras, said to connect the physical or conscious and supernatural elements of the body. Our bodies show up in various patterns and densities. Even our thoughts and feelings rule our physical bodies and have a density of their own. These patterns, when working together in a balanced way, experience our health. Crystals radiate pure patterns and resonate with unmatched consistency thus can bring us back into harmony. Crystals affect our electro-magnetic energy fields’ i.e. our subtle body that surrounds the physical body. Purpose The effect of the crystal depends on its color, shape, and mineral. There are different purposes of wearing crystal-like rose quartz heart pendant mostly used for emotional healing and love, geode pendant for fertility and quartz crystal cluster pendant are used for energy, psychic awareness, and protection. Crystals help both in healing and enhance beauty. People believe carrying these stones helps fulfilled their desires even medical treatments involve natural healing. For casual wearing, people prefer to incorporate these stones in jewelry as it allows them to be unique or to make their strong statements. The diversity of jewelry reflects the wide range of meanings given to them, for example, for healing purposes, people wear desired stones in the form of rings, bracelets, pendants, etc. There is a variety of psychic protection aid like Rose Quartz Crystal, Prasiolite, also known as Green Amethyst crystals, yellow Citrine Crystals, and Purple Amethyst Crystals. If it’s expensive to buy jewelry, a small tumble stone can be used to take full advantage of aura. The most important thing to remember is their cleansing processes to make sure to keep their vibration high and to create the best crystal healing effect.

Jewelry Crystals and Crafts Insider


by Samina Gulzar on May 07 2024
WHATS UNIQUE IN NATURAL HIMALAYAN PINK SALT CRYSTAL Himalayan Salt is widely famous for its beauty, purity, and health benefits both for animals and human beings. Ancient civilization used to call it “White Gold”. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE? The salt crystals are a light pinkish color, and when observed through a microscope, you would notice that they come in an astonishing variety of gorgeous geometrical patterns. 1 Element Ion Atomic # Concentration Method/Source 2 Hydrogen H 1 0.30 g/kg DIN 3 Lithium Li 3 0.40 g/kg AAS 4 Beryllium Be 4 <0.01 ppm AAS 5 Boron B 5 <0.001 ppm FSK 6 Carbon C 6 <0.001 ppm FSK 7 Nitrogen N 7 0.024 ppm ICG 8 Oxygen O 8 1.20 g/kg DIN 9 Flouride F- 9 <0.1 g/kg Potentiometer 10 Sodium Na+ 11 382.61 g/kg FSM 11 Magnesium Mg 12 0.16 g/kg AAS 12 Aluminum Al 13 0.661 ppm AAS 13 Silicon Si 14 <0.1 g/kg AAS 14 Phosphorus P 15 <0.10 ppm ICG 15 Sulfur S 16 12.4 g/kg TXRF 16 Chloride Cl- 17 590.93 g/kg Gravimetrie 17 Potassium K+ 19 3.5 g/kg FSM 18 Calcium Ca 20 4.05 g/kg Titration 19 Scandium Sc 21 <0.0001 ppm FSK 20 Titanium Ti 22 <0.001 ppm FSK 21 Vanadium V 23 0.06 ppm AAS 22 Chromium Cr 24 0.05 ppm AAS 23 Manganese Mn 25 0.27 ppm AAS 24 Iron Fe 26 38.9 ppm AAS 25 Cobalt Co 27 0.60 ppm AAS 26 Nickel Ni 28 0.13 ppm AAS 27 Copper Cu 29 0.56 ppm AAS 28 Zinc Zn 30 2.38 ppm AAS 29 Gallium Ga 31 <0.001 ppm FSK 30 Germanium Ge 32 <0.001 ppm FSK 31 Arsenic As 33 <0.01 ppm AAS 32 Selenium Se 34 0.05 ppm AAS 33 Bromine Br 35 2.1 ppm TXRF 34 Rubidium Rb 37 0.04 ppm AAS 35 Strontium Sr 38 0.014 g/kg AAS 36 Ytterbium Y 39 <0.001 ppm FSK 37 Zirconium Zr 40 <0.001 ppm FSK 38 Niobium Nb 41 <0.001 ppm FSK 39 Molybdenum Mo 42 0.01 ppm AAS 40 Technetium Tc 43 unstable artificial isotope 41 Ruthenium Ru 44 <0.001 ppm FSK 42 Rhodium Rh 45 <0.001 ppm FSK 43 Palladium Pd 46 <0.001 ppm FSK 44 Silver Ag 47 0.031 ppm AAS 45 Cadmium Cd 48 <0.01 ppm AAS 46 Indium In 49 <0.001 ppm FSK 47 Tin Sn 50 <0.01 ppm AAS 48 Antimony Sb 51 <0.01 ppm AAS 49 Tellurium Te 52 <0.001 ppm FSK 50 Iodine I 53 <0.1 g/kg potentiometrie 51 Cesium Cs 55 <0.001 ppm FSK 52 Barium Ba 56 1.96 ppm AAS/TXR 53 Lanthan La 57 <0.001 ppm FSK 54 Cerium Ce 58 <0.001 ppm FSK 55 Praseodynium Pr 59 <0.001 ppm FSK 56 Neodymium Nd 60 <0.001 ppm FSK 57 Promethium Pm 61 unstable artificial isotope N/A 58 Samarium Sm 62 <0.001 ppm FSK 59 Europium Eu 63 <3.0 ppm TXRF 60 Gadolinium Gd 64 <0.001 ppm FSK 61 Terbium Tb 65 <0.001 ppm FSK 62 Dysprosium Dy 66 <4.0 ppm TXRF 63 Holmium Ho 67 <0.001 ppm FSK 64 Erbium Er 68 <0.001 ppm FSK 65 Thulium Tm 69 <0.001 ppm FSK 66 Ytterbium Yb 70 <0.001 ppm FSK 67 Lutetium Lu 71 <0.001 ppm FSK 68 Hafnium Hf 72 <0.001 ppm FSK 69 Tantalum Ta 73 1.1 ppm TXRF 70 Wolfram W 74 <0.001 ppm FSK 71 Rhenium Re 75 <2.5 ppm TXRF 72 Osmium Os 76 <0.001 ppm FSK 73 Iridium Ir 77 <2.0 ppm TXRF 74 Platinum Pt 78 0.47 ppm TXRF 75 Gold Au 79 <1.0 ppm TXRF 76 Mercury Hg 80 <0.03 ppm AAS 77 Thallium Ti 81 0.06 ppm AAS 78 Lead Pb 82 0.10 ppm AAS 79 Bismuth Bi 83 <0.10 ppm AAS 80 Polonium Po 84 <0.001 ppm FSK 81 Astat At 85 <0.001 ppm FSK 82 Francium Fr 87 <1.0 ppm TXRF 83 Radium Ra 88 <0.001 ppm FSK 84 Actinium Ac 89 <0.001 ppm FSK 85 Thorium Th 90 <0.001 ppm FSK 86 Protactinium Pa 91 <0.001 ppm FSK 87 Uranium U 92 <0.001 ppm FSK 88 Neptunium Np 93 <0.001 ppm FSK 89 Plutonium Pu 94 <0.001 ppm FSK ADDITIONAL COMBINED ELEMENTSWater H2O 1.5 g/kg DINAmmonium NH4+ 0.010 ppm PhotometrieNitrate NO3- 0.09 ppm PhotometriePhosphate PO4 3- <0.10 ppm ICGHydrogencarbonate HCO3- <1.0 g/kg Titration The sodium chloride content is 97.41% and meets the worldwide necessary standards for table salt. LEGEND:g/kg – Grams per kilogramDIN – German Standards InstituteICG – Ion chromatographyAAS – Atom absorption spectrometryTXRF – Total reflection – X-Ray – Fluorescence-Spectrometryppm – Parts per millionFSM – FlamespectrometryFSK – Frequency Spectroscope You can read further on our other blog about Himalayan Pink Salt Crystals.....

Jewelry Crystals and Crafts Insider


by Samina Gulzar on May 07 2024
HOW AND WHY NATURAL GEMSTONES ARE DIFFERENT FROM SYNTHETIC OR IMITATION? A gemstone, which in fact is a part or piece of mineral crystal, has several other names such as ‘Fine Gem,’ ‘Jewel,’ ‘Precious (or Semi-precious) Stone,’ etc. The jewelry-making industry worldwide relies on a method known as ‘Identifying Gemstones’ and for the purpose, they are divided into three main categories which are ‘Natural,’ ‘Synthetic’, and ‘Imitation.’ It is quite natural and almost impossible for us to find and consult a ‘gemologist’ every time we plan to buy a piece of jewelry therefore, seeking some knowledge on the subject would be certainly a better option; to help with our shopping. And why this little but valuable knowledge is essential because while shopping for Natural Gemstones, following questions do popup our minds: The price is reasonable? What’s the surety of the quality? Do we really know the best feature? Is the seller really trustworthy? Hopefully, we have point here that the better you understand how gemstones are created, the better position you would find yourself in; for a more ‘confident shopping’ experience. Besides if you are a jewelry-maker yourself, it would also be a lot easier for you to explain to your customers exactly what components you’ve used in your jewelry. So here we go. Natural Gemstones: The source behind what we call or know as Natural Gems, is actually nature itself, the purest of sources. There is no ‘human aid’ involved in the creation of such stones rather they are created, naturally, over a certain period of time. They are usually found along riverbeds or locations such as lining rocky cliffs etc. but not on the surface; one would always have to struggle to dig the earth quite deep, to find a piece or two. When processed i.e. cut in various shapes and designs and polished, these stones get an entirely different, pleasant, charming, and of course precious look. Synthetic Gemstones: Created in any manmade facility such as a laboratory or a factory, synthetic gems possess numerous physical properties or characteristics that make them different from all their counterparts such as the visual or chemical/physical properties, etc. However, they’re not natural gems though all the natural conditions or elements are applied while creating a synthetic version/replica; nature takes several years to produce a masterpiece; the scientists can prepare one in few days! Imitation Gemstones: Among the last but the least categories come the Imitation Gems, kind of a ‘simulated’ or ‘replicated’ form of stones in fact, with no chemical properties similar to natural precious stones. Created with the purpose to resemble natural ones, imitation makers use ceramic, plastic, or glass while some other materials are also used in imitations. After having come to know that the Natural Gemstones, by all means, are ‘most in-demand’ it must be relatively easier for our readers to think more like a gemologist now, whenever there comes an opportunity of shopping for gemstones or any other type of jewelry.

Jewelry Crystals and Crafts Insider


by Samina Gulzar on May 07 2024
PINK HIMALAYAN SALT, ITS ORIGIN AND USES INFORMATION A great quantity of salt is used in our food and with salt, we don’t like our food. It also gives many benefits to our body to our health. It is always found in its purest form. ORIGIN NATURAL salt is picked out from the mountains of Himalayan, which is situated in KHEORA. This salt is commonly named as Himalayan salt all over the world. This salt comes in different color like pink, white. The Himalayan salt is used all over the world and at the domestic level as well as for livestock. Every country imports this Himalayan salt in tons. The pink, red, and white salt expressed the richness of salt. Himalayan pink salt is coming from the mountains it is also like sea salt. Every salt is coming from the salted water, lakes like as ocean, we can found a large amount of salt in the ocean. Himalayan pink salt is the purest form of the salted water. USES There are several uses of Himalayan pink salt, the first mane use of, it is cooking. Many other countries used it for cooking, for spa, and for yoga. It is found in several shapes like slabs, blocks, and plates. Slabs are used for the platters and it is increased the salt taste. Salt blocks are also used for cooking it can absorb the much heat and you can cook your food very easily. You can cook a number of items on it like fish, beef and eggs, etc. They thought that Himalayan pink salt removes the impurities and dust particles from their houses. Its large amount is used for cooking and health. Pink salt is also used as table salt. Pink salt can be used to relax the body. It can maintain our health properties like blood pressure, it can remove body impurities. HOW IT GIVES BENEFITS TO US? Himalayan pink salt can be very benefits for us like as it is produced an electrolyte balance Increased hydration Maintain the water in our cells Maintain pH and reduced acid reflux Caring the muscle Strong the bones Maintain the blood pressure Help in absorb nutrients Improved the circulation Remove the toxin from our body Himalayan Pink Salt has a rich mineral content that includes the many elements like as: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. Himalayan pink salt can be recognized by its color which is pink. It is increased the circulation of our bodies. It also maintains the ph of our body. It is also helped us against flu virus skin rashes


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